Party Rules
These rules are not here to kill your vibe. They exist to ensure that everyone is safe and has a great time. These rules are enforced and violations will get you banned. We require you to read through these rules as a condition of attending.
- Know and understand the concept of consent
We know, it’s complex. But being part of a kinky, sex-positive community requires us all to put in the effort. There are a ton of resources out there to educate yourself, but here are just a few to get you started:
- Obtain consent before you touch anyone. This rule applies to everyone.
Adequate consent is clear, out loud, and enthusiastic. Consent is not coerced, pressured, or implied. Do not ask twice – if someone says “Maybe later” that’s a NO. If someone gives a reluctant yes, that’s a NO. If you’ve had consent in the past, that does not give you consent forever. And importantly, consent can be revoked at any time, for any reason. Avoid murky consent situations by negotiating beforehand, checking in frequently, responding to verbal and non-verbal signals, and following up after a scene.
- We are a queer friendly, kink friendly, inclusive community.
We welcome people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and body types. If you are not cool with that, then this is not the party for you. (Oh, and BTW you are an asshole!)
- Photo and video taking are prohibited at the party.
No exceptions. Additionally, cell phone use is discouraged. Please step outside if you need to make a call.
- Don’t get sloppy.
Keep your play safe and your wits about you – don’t drink too much and don’t bring or use drugs.
- Don’t be creepy!
No hovering, crowding a scene, or following people around. Don’t approach people participating in a scene while it is happening or during aftercare.
- Follow the dress code.
- Full nudity is not permitted.
We love a naked body, but please don’t walk around naked or sit on the furniture while naked.
- Play has priority.
This is a play party! Allow others the space to get their kinky scenes on and feel free to ask for the space you need to do the same.
- No knife, needle, or blood play.
Sorry, this is just not the environment for it. Fire play must be approved in advance. Email
- If you have a question or concern, or if you need someone safe, ask for Powder, Tom, or Mike B.
Have fun and be safe!